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A photo of the human dna structure but it is made of vibrant strings woven in a tribal pat

Womb Wisdom


The tapestry of life is woven by the powers of Shiva and Shakti. 

Shakti - the feminine. Shiva - the masculine. 

They both come together for life to bloom.

Understanding Interweave

The tapestry of life is woven by the powers of Shiva and Shakti. 

Shakti - the feminine. Shiva - the masculine. 

They both come together for life to bloom.


Here on earth, the female body becomes the channel to weave the life of another human being with the help of the male body. If this channel is impure as a result of toxicity, ancestral trauma and environmental forces, what do you think happens?

The very foundation of the tapestry is harmed.

Welcome to Interweave - the Advanced Womb Wisdom program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this Workshop For?

Womb Wisdom is for any woman seeking to rediscover and embrace her femininity, connect with her intuition, and align with her authentic self. It's open to women of all ages and backgrounds who are ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Participants who are experiencing irregular menstrual cycle issues, PCOS, Fibroid, unable to concieve, have a history of abortions or miscarriages in the family, curious to know the significance of this sacred place are welcome in this program. Participants who are experiencing menopause shall also benefit from this program.

What Can I Expect?

During this workshop, you'll engage in guided meditations, experiential exercises, and discussions that delve into the wisdom held within your womb. You'll learn to honor your menstrual cycle, heal ancestral lineage, and tap into the source of your creative power.

Is Previous Experience Required?

No prior experience is needed. Womb Wisdom is designed to meet you wherever you are on your journey. Whether you're new to holistic practices or well-versed in spiritual exploration, you'll find value in this transformative workshop.

Can I Join if I'm New to Spiritual Practices?

Absolutely. The Womb Wisdom Workshop welcomes individuals with varying levels of experience. 

Upcoming Workshop: Interweave ☯️

🗓️ Date: 5th - 6th October, 2024

📍 Location: Hotel Satkar Grande, Thane.

*️⃣ Prerequisite: Attended Womb Wisdom

Join us for a transformative experience at the Womb Wisdom : Interweave workshop. Reserve your spot now! 

Workshop Details

The cosmos is a vast, interconnected tapestry, woven together with planets, stars, galaxies, universes, and multiverses. Humanity is but a single, intricate thread within this grand design.

The process of interweaving these cosmic elements requires movement—a dynamic force that forms patterns based on the blueprint of each element. This force is Shakti, the Great Feminine Energy that animates and flows through every aspect of the cosmos. In the absence of this power, life would come to a standstill.


The texture and quality of this energy determine the function and purpose of each element within the cosmos. Human life
itself is a manifestation of this cosmic weaving, beginning in the womb through the union of egg and sperm. This union creates the DNA, the blueprint that shapes our reality.

Program Structure:

The program spans across two days, honoring and celebrating the Great Feminine Energy with the following outline:


Day 1:

DNA Activation and Cleansing:

  • Purification and Cleansing of DNA Structures:

  • Use channelled light codes to remove blockages and lower vibrational patterns, facilitating a higher vibrational state.

Purification and Protection of the Seed of Life (Garbhbeej):

  • The existing seed of life, carried within the womb through generations, will be purified, protected, and healed using sacred mantras given by Adi Shakti and received by Swamukti.

Purification and Activation of Specific Energy Centres:

  • Divine Feminine Energies Activation:

  • Specific energy centres will be cleansed and activated by the respective Goddess of that energy centre, allowing a graceful flow of Shakti.

Day 2:

Honour and Celebrate Life:

  • Experience the Divine Presence of Various Goddesses:

  • Engage in practices and ceremonies that honour the presence and power of divine feminine energies.

Experience the Dance of Purusha and Prakriti:

  • Witness and participate in the dynamic interplay between the masculine (Purusha) and feminine (Prakriti) energies, symbolizing the balance and unity of creation.

Awakening the Goddess Within:

  • Awaken and embody the Goddess within, tapping into your inner divine feminine power.​


Attended the level 1 - Womb Wisdom Program and completed ancestral healing

Upcoming Workshop: Interweave ☯️

🗓️ Date: 5th - 6th October, 2024

📍 Location: Hotel Satkar Grande, Thane.

*️⃣ Prerequisite: Attended Womb Wisdom

Join us for a transformative experience at the Womb Wisdom : Interweave workshop. Reserve your spot now! 


"Since many years I was teaching about Reproductive Organs. Today I got the spiritual aspect of reproduction. Thanks to the Womb Wisdom Program, I explored various aspects of Womb which I will definitely keep in mind."

Dr. Shweta Kulkarni

"This is one of the best decision, I have taken. Lot of cleansing happened in the two day Womb Wisdom Program. I learnt so much about the Masculine  and Feminine - how to balance them, how to use our womb to heal ourselves, manifest things and there was so much more to learn!"

Gurpreet Bambhra

"Womb Wisdom has given me new dimension to look at the body and the processes it goes through. I owe my gratitude to Swati Sule and SwaMukti for this knowledge."

Vrutanti Shah

"Womb Wisdom is the need of the hour for all of us -  including men. So I truly hope this reaches everyone."

Dr. Rakhi Darne

What's the Next Step?

Thank you for taking the time to read this. 

Before you can register - I have just one question for you...

What are your Intentions for the Program?

Your answer here helps prepare both you and us -

To make the most from Interweave.


Womb Wisdom – Interweave is an advanced, channeled program guided by the sacred energy of Adi Shakti and received by SwaMukti. This program is designed to cleanse, purify, and activate your DNA, enabling it to operate at higher vibrational frequencies. Through this
activation, participants and future generations will be prepared to welcome the Golden Age—a time of elevated consciousness and harmony.

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